Reflections on Love: 2k16.


Everything that could’ve happened in 2016, happened in 2016. I’ve talked briefly about some life obstacles I had to battle over the past year and it has led me here. 

It’s raining. I definitely have a hangover, but I’m coming off of a pretty amazing NYE. I spent it exactly how I wanted it to: with amazing friends and a lot of whiskey. After a fuckin crazy year I needed to transition into 2017 calmly. 

I haven’t really gone into depth about my thoughts on LOVE as I usually do. It was a year, man. Two very significant relationships taught me a lot about myself, and have changed me for the better I would say. 

Be yourself. Always.

Ask for what you want. 

Don’t entertain anyone who won’t give you what you want, it’s a waste of time. 

It’s a blessing to be able to enjoy alone time. 

It’s okay to cry. Mourn then move on. 

Don’t take advice from just anybody. No one has all the answers. 

Never let anything deter you from believing that love is real and attainable. 

Don’t take any shit from anybody. EVER. 

You are lovable. You are enough. 

Do not put up with one sided anything. That goes for friendships and relationships.

Credentials aren’t everything and there is too much emphasis on them. Does not mean you’re a good person/dateable

Being vulnerable doesn’t make you weak. 

Lastly, don’t ever let anybody shame you for being single. You’re fine, you’re exactly where you should be. It’s not a race, just appreciate where you’re at. Everything comes in time. 

I thank you all for continuing to read my writing. I don’t know everything. At all. All of my thoughts are just that….mine. If you choose to take any advice, do so at your own risk, so you can’t say I ruined your life.

This year, I intend to do ALL the things:

Become a brand ambassador for a product/company I love.More events.Attend a blogger conference.Write. A Lot.Read a Lot.

LOVE a Lot. 



6 thoughts on “Reflections on Love: 2k16.

  1. I love your ARTICLES, ideas and your perspectives regarding relationships,however I feel as if you cater to women’s perspective a little more than the male perspective. Maybe this is possible because your a bright young women yourself. By all means there is nothing wrong with that. However I feel as the tone of some of your articles kind dogg Men out. For example I am a 28 year old Male with two degrees and looking for Love as well as the next female. Im well aware a lot of guys get classified as dogs. However what about the good guys like myself who’s looking for love and good women with standards who has a good head on her shoulders smart and also educated. Im 28 years old Im not chasing girls for sex only like im 16 or 17 anymore .Im looking for something substantial and someone who has potential. not to mention I don’t think guys like myself gets talked about a lot. for example I was talking to a female over the summer we went on several dates I felt like we had a lot of good conversations. However for some reason it did not work out .My intentions for this female was not to have sex with her but to get to know her long enough to see if we were compatible. let alone we never spoke about sex im not sure if the girl is still a virgin or not. so ultimately is was not about sex for me. Im SEARCHING FOR a real Love IN my Mary J voice. lmaoo overall I think you have a beautiful mind I love your writing style.
    Keep up the good work im looking forward to seeing new articles every week .


      1. Okay. Write a general post about your experiences dating. Talk about the highs and lows. Also, include what you’re looking for, and advice to women who are also struggling to find bae. I can give you two weeks. Cool?


  2. sounds good where do I write it @ tho ?do I submit to your email for review? and I also have another topic I would like to talk about that kinda fascinating to me. VICES and Relationships for example im curious is okay to have a Vice in A RELATIONSHIP.. for some guys it maybe smoking weed or drinking henny not be judgmental jus using examples lol for some women it can be drinking, exercising , reading books or watching there favortite tv show. Everyone vice is different is okay to tell someone your dating your vice or leave for later down for fear out of judgment. when is the right time to tell ur mate about ur vice? Is possible to have a long lasting loving relationship and not indulge in the other person vice and the relationship still work ?


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